Office Fit Life Inception

How did we get started with this?

We run software and cad applications at our business. The work is fascinating, stimulating and consuming. On a good day, when you really get in a groove, you look up and its quitting time, and that leads to everything in your body getting stiff or sore. Then we say things like ‘ ugh… getting old sucks!’

That’s not it at all, age is just a number. The problem is sitting still.

Stephanie Romine had a great article a while back…

This is a great list, full of nice easy things you can do at work to get you moving. Its great when you are paying attention to the clock.

One of the common things we have noticed with a lot of these articles and ideas is that they provide some basic ideas, but no structure to actually implement the ideas.

That’s where we come in… we are going to bring you the means to get those ideas implemented, and help enforce a framework so it becomes habit. once its a habit… you will be able to continue in virtual cruise control.