… stuff is hurting, but you have to stick with it! I have bad knees… no cartilage left between the patella and bone. I also had my torn rotator cuff repaired last year along with what i call a roto-rooter style removal of bone spurs and bursa, etc from within my shoulder joint.
Part of what i am doing now is driven by my desire to overcome issues over recent years, and part because, even as a kid, i wanted to make sure i was able to be there to teach my kids when they were learning sports. And i am doing it. I work out regularly and help with the coaching of my kids sports teams. I so wanted to join in my son’s football practice yesterday and show the kids first hand how to make a good tackle, but lingering effects from years of body misuse leave me acting like an adult… cautious about adding more aches and pains to my day to day.
So today my right knee is really hurting. My hamstrings are tight too. I attribute both to too many squats and not enough variety at the moment in the Office Fit Life routine i am developing. What to do… for now, dial it back on the squats and hamstring moves, and more importantly take note, that the 30 and 40+ somethings that participate in this program will likely need more variety in the motions recommended and more recovery time between repeating motions for things like old knees.
For my shoulder… i have to add more ‘stretch’ type motions. so instead of just doing Good Mornings, i did Good Morning’s with straight arm overhead stretches at the top, being sure to include good scapular retraction (shoulders back!)
In other news…. my candy intake has received some discipline. 2 pounds came off within two days. indicating the weight gain noted in the last blog was candy induced.